Royalty visiting Chesterfield


Royalty - Duke of Kent vidsiting Robinsons-1933 - Chesterfield Museum

Royalty visiting Robinsons in 1933 

Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

September 1941, Chesterfield. Princess Mary (the Princess Royal) visits the Home Guard in Queen's Park. - Chesterfield Museum

September 1941, Chesterfield. Princess Mary (the Princess Royal) visits the Home Guard in Queen's Park

Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

Home Guard Inspection by Princess Royal in Queens Park - Sue Barfoot-Ball

Home Guard Inspection by Princess Royal in Queens Park

Thanks to Sue Barfoot-Ball

Princess Royal came to Chesterfield Queens Park in 1941, - Alan Taylor

Princess Royal came to Chesterfield Queens Park in 1941, - Alan Taylor

Princess Royal came to Chesterfield Queens Park in 1941.

Thanks to Alan Taylor


Royalty - Pprincess Margaret- visiting Rbbinsons 1963 - Chesterfield Museum

Princess Margaret visiting Robinsons in 1963

Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

Prince Charles - 1970's - John Goodwin

Prince Charles - 1970's.

Thanks to John Goodwin

Queen Elizabeth II - visit to Chesterfield - 28th July 1977 - Mick Walpole

Queen Elizabeth II - visit to Chesterfield - 28th July 1977

Thanks to Mick Walpole

Charles and Diana at Chesterfield police station 1981 - Kev Walton

Charles and Diana at Chesterfield police station 1981.

Thanks to Kev Walton

Princes Di - Chesterfield Museum

Princes Diana

Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

Prince Charles during his visit to Chesterfield Nov 12th 1981- Mick Walpole

Prince Charles during his visit to Chesterfield 12 November 1981.

Thanks to Mick Walpole

Market Place on the occasion of the Royal visit of H R H Prince Charles and the Princess of Wales in November 1981. - Paul Greenroad

Market Place on the occasion of the Royal visit of H R H Prince Charles and the Princess of Wales in November 1981.

Thanks to Paul Greenroad

Royalty - Duke of Kent greeting the Mayoress, Mrs Kendellen at Dema Glass -1992  - Chesterfield Museum

Duke of Kent greeting the Mayoress, Mrs. Kendellen at Dema Glass in 1992

Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

Royalty - Duke of Kent visiting Dema Glass Works 1992 - Chesterfield Museum

Duke of Kent visiting Dema Glass Works in 1992

 Thanks to Chesterfield Museum

Princess Ann

Princess Ann

Princess Ann 2002

The Queen and The Duke Of Edinburgh Tour Chesterfield's Weekly Market, Meeting Stall Holders and Visitors In 2003

The Queen and The Duke Of Edinburgh Tour Chesterfield's Weekly Market - 2003.

Thanks to Paul Greenroad