Future Events

Venue: Old Tupton Methodist Church, 96, Nethermoor Road, New Tupton, S42 6EN

7pm Thursday 5 September 2024

Paupers Past (Peak in the Past) with Tim Knebal

Pauper Past Montage

Peak in the Past is a community heritage group dedicated to exploring and sharing peak district history. Historical images and information resources and conducting reminiscence and educational activities



7pm Thursday 5 December 2024

Stanton at War with Stephen Flinders

anti tank gun

Anti tank gun

churchill turret

Churchill turret

Foundry ladies

 Foundry ladies


7pm Thursday 6 March 2025

Peak Railway with Jacob Short, Director, Peak Railway Association.

Peak Railway Assn

A talk through the route of the line, with the history thrown in, starting from Ambergate Station through to Buxton with the history along the way. 



7pm Thursday 5 June 2025

Wingerworth Stone Sawmill with Jamie Mather

Wingerworth Stone Sawmill 


7pm Thursday 4 September 2025

Lumsdale Mill with Alan Piper

Lumsdale Mill

The Lumsdale valley is a very important industrial archaeological site and was scheduled as an acient monument by Historical England in 2014. It is owned by the Arkwright Society. There were various mills built over 300 years which incuded lead smelting and grinding corn.

7pm Thursday 4 December 2025

Chesterfield Bus Society with Andrew Bagshaw

Chesterfield Bus Society





If you know any good local speakers please let us know.