Methodist Chapel, Queen Victoria Road

Bottom Left Nadine Dart, Bottom Right David Burton. To the right of the girl with yellow cardigan, are 2 girls sat on floor. The one next too the girl is. Cheryl Ashmoor and next to her is Karen Greenway. Top Left Linda Moore, Alison Hickerman, Stood at the back is Mr Shaw.

Left: Les Adams Mr Shaw, Top of table Mr Chinnery. Right: Chris Adams Brenda Burton ( lady with glasses). Mr Chinnery sat at the head of the table the lady next to him is Muriel Hopkinson then Brenda Burton.

Singing Carols. Front to the right Nadine Dart Back ( dressed in white) Alison Hickerman who had a beautiful singing voice and sang many solo's for the Chapel

Left to the back - Les Adams Mr Shaw, top of the table Mr Chinnery, Top Right ( red cardigan ) Brenda Burton Chris Adams Pam Windley.

Linda Moore ( pale lilac jumper ) next to her in white Alison Hickerman.

Front Left Nadine Dart Back Left Alison Hickerman ( white Jumper ) standing next to Linda Moore.

Thanks to Valerie Roe